The program will feature research presentations related to potato breeding and genetics, seed certification, potato production and management, pest management, physiology, new variety releases and crop utilization and marketing. The meeting also provides networking opportunities, an auction of potato-related collectibles, chances to visit local attractions, and much more.
Become a member today and join us at the annual meeting.
The Potato Association of America (PAA) was formed in 1913 and serves as the official professional society for those involved in potato research, extension, production and utilization in North America. The PAA has grown to include almost 500 members from another 30 countries throughout the world. The purpose of the PAA is the collection and dissemination of the best available technical and practical information relating to all aspects of potato production, biology and utilization.
The PAA publishes the American Journal of Potato Research (previously the American Potato Journal) as a means of distributing the latest information relating to potato science. Springer Journals and the PAA have established a website for electronic access to the complete library of the American Potato Journal from Vol. 1 (published in 1923) through Vol. 74 (1996), and the American Journal of Potato Research from Vol. 75 (1997) to the current day. Members have access to the entire content of articles.
The research carried out by PAA scientists spans every aspect of potato growth and development. Desirable traits are identified in wild potato species and existing varieties and are integrated into new varieties using innovative breeding techniques and DNA-based technologies. These new varieties exhibit greater disease resistance, more desirable tuber shape and color, improved storability and better processing qualities. Over the past 30 years, members of the PAA have released more than 100 new varieties, including Ranger Russet, Umatilla Russet, Clearwater Russet, Pike, Goldrush, Lamoka and Dakota Pearl.
As the industry changes, PAA members help transform how potatoes are grown and how they are harvested. Research by the PAA has helped to develop the best seed cutting and handling techniques, seed spacing and management practices that protect and enhance seed production.

The impact of PAA research expands beyond the field by providing guidance for the best potato storage conditions, including temperature, pest management treatments and sprout inhibition. Beyond storage, the PAA facilitates the adoption of sales and marketing information to provide nutritional, delicious potatoes for you in whatever setting you choose to eat them.
Members of the PAA are dedicated to educating and training the next generation of potato scientists. Undergraduate and graduate students are an important part of our research. Student members within the PAA expand their research skills in the laboratory, the greenhouse and field while being mentored by senior scientists. Students learn to improve their communication skills through presentations at the annual meeting and participation in the graduate student competition.
To become a member of the PAA or to learn more about the society and the annual meeting, visit www.potatoassociation.org.
And come to the annual meeting in Prince Edward Island this coming July. We would love to see you there.