National Potato Council
By Kam Quarles, CEO
Standing Together At NPC’s Washington Summit
We hope to see you next month in D.C. as we unite as an industry to “Stand Up for Potatoes on Capitol Hill!”
Mark the dates and register to join us for the National Potato Council’s 2023 Washington Summit, Feb. 27-March 3 at the Washington Marriott at Metro Center. With a divided Congress, new members on the House and Senate Agriculture Committees, and a 2023 Farm Bill on the horizon, this year’s Summit is a can’t miss event for anyone in the industry who wants to lend their voice to our policy priorities and work together to protect the future of the potato industry.
As always, the 2023 Washington Summit will feature a variety of political and policy experts, including members of potato states’ congressional delegations and key committee leadership. In addition, attendees will have the opportunity to network with other potato growers and industry professionals. If you are a potato grower, or if you are involved in any way with the potato industry, this is an event you won’t want to miss! Here are just a few of the reasons why:
- Learn about the latest industry policy priorities and political developments impacting the future of the industry.
- Get updated on government regulations and bills moving through Congress that could impact your business.
- Hear from political and policy experts on how to make the biggest impact when you meet with staff and members of Congress.
- Reconnect with other potato growers and allied industry partners from across the country.
During this year’s Washington Summit, we’ll also announce the results of a new economic analysis of the U.S. potato industry. We all know that America’s No. 1 vegetable contributes heavily to the nutritional health of our citizens. Now we’ll be able to share with policymakers and regulators the benefits of our industry to our country’s economic well-being. More to come on that soon, but we’re excited to be able to demonstrate the collective economic might of our industry!
Finally, the event will be strengthened by participants of the Potato Industry Leadership Institute – an annual program organized by the Potato Leadership, Education, and Advancement Foundation (Potato LEAF). The 2023 Leadership Institute class will participate in a 10-day program – starting in New York and Pennsylvania, and ending in D.C. – where they’ll receive an overview of the local and national potato industry, learn leadership development skills, and support the educational efforts of the industry. Learn more about the program and the foundation’s efforts to train the next generation of potato industry leaders at pleaf.org.
Don’t miss out on this year’s National Potato Council Washington Summit. Learn more and register today at nationalpotatocouncil.org/npc-washington-summit. We hope to see you in D.C.